Across the US in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco four “Simply Perfect” Art Project studios occupy formerly vacant storefront windows that have been transformed into spaces of creativity and imagination for nearly 30 up-and-coming artists. Given approximately one week each, artists will create an original painting, sculpture or other work based on their personal interpretation of Patrón tequila’s “Simply Perfect” mantra.
This is pieces which I created.
Brown Gold size 42''x28''
In all pieces Brown Gold, Silver Gold, Fine Gold I used double layer of fabric which is sew together in the tub form . This scarf has painting all the way around ...Can be hang on the wall or be worn in different forms ( No problem to wash it in cold water )
I strive to create diverse art experience, in this piece all media intertwine to create asculptural body rap, painting, photography together mixed mediainstallation where one form inspires the other.This piece mounted on the wall can exist by itself,sculptural object, in harmony with peoples lives. Or can define them becoming cultural statement. Fabric gives endless possibility, the way we wear it in different cultures changes the meaning of the piece. It becomes apainting we decorate ourself, eloquent medium to create visual story.
Silver Gold size 26"x24''

Fine Gold size 31''x28,5''