At the time I was trying to create a new advertisement for my gallery, and while I have taken endless photographs capturing the many different sides of Curacao, I found myself longing to discover a fresh perspective that I could embrace and add to my artwork.
Two days and over a thousand pictures later, I had found the new energy I was searching for. The richness and unique beauty of Bonaire's landscape brought back to me all the reasons why I love to travel to new places and go exploring--it reminded me why this is my one addiction, the one thing that makes me feel completely free.
Sometimes I wish that I could just take off and travel more often. Even though I am dedicated to my work here in Curacao, I have a constant longing to stimulate my brain with new images and ideas that I can channel into creative inspiration.

Salt Pans
One of the most unique and amazing sites I photographed on Bonaire were the salt pans--a vast plain of salt mountains that have accumulated from the sea on the south shore of the island. I was completely in awe of the crystal white mounds. I was able to photograph the mountains at different times throughout the day, capturing the various ways in which the light played with them and transformed their beauty.
Shell Mountains
Another hidden treasure I discovered during my trip were these shell mountains located on a little beach off the beaten path. Sometimes you have to get lost to truly find what you are looking for.
I also visited the caves of Bonaire and was inspired by the primitive paintings created so long ago by the Indian inhabitants of the island. This was really the kind of experience that is only made possible by having someone by your side who knows the secrets of such a place. Luckily for me, I had the help of a polish priest and friend who is living on the island. He was a great guide, prepared for anything, and completely ready and willing to go along with my adventures. He helped with everything from assisting with lighting for my pictures to providing a truck that allowed us to leave behind the normal path and go where no little car could ever go.
It is truly great to find friends who are not afraid to get dirty and who also have the patience to help me embrace my vision, even if it means holding a light at a certain angle while I take hundreds of pictures.